SG Records
Number of discs: 1

Press Release

“…this is a straight heavy metal album with a modern feel.” [7,5]
– Justin Hulford, therocktologis (Sep 25, 2012)


“[…] a very interesting and rough vocal performance, a perfect understanding between the different instruments, songs full of groove and great attention also to melody, […] ” vote 7
– Marco Brivio, heavyworlds (Jul 19, 2012)


“[…] they play an excellent classic heavy metal sound, so pure that it comes directly from the glorious New Wave Of British Heavy Metal, […] it is an excellent debut, the band demonstrates good technique and a lot of energy […].”
– Giacomo Messina, KDCOBAIN (May 01, 2012)


“…the real gem of the album is “Dancing Queen”, a great hard rock song, with a winning and emotional vocal line… a very interesting music: original but always well structured , and able to evoke at the same time a wild and melancholic atmosphere… Vote 78/100 ”
– AlexMetal, Undergroundzine (Mar 29, 2012)


“..the music has a very cool balanced groove … with higher pitch wide ranged vocals that sometimes remind me of a cross between Ronnie James Dio, Geoff Tate & Klaus Meine…buy it and find out for yourself. You won’t be disappointed!”
– Website, beowolf productions (Mar 11, 2012)


“…simple and effective rhythms, demonstrating a great control and measure on using classic heavy metal sound. It is a pleasure listening to songs combining elegant refrains to interesting narration on lyrics… Vote 7/10”
– Javier Fraile, Metal Cry (Feb 22, 2012)


“React” is an album of pure heavy metal of the 80s: classic, with no compromise […] Basically, “React” is a listening pleasure for all the lovers of NWOBHM Metal genre. Vote 6.5

– Luca Galvagni, Metallitalia (Sep 03, 2011)

“Innerload is proof that in 2012 we can still make heavy with its own identity, and it is not necessary to make something new out of old. Vote 7/10”
– gardian666, VS WEBZINE (Jan 30, 2012)


“[…] even if React! is a debut album it is a very mature work and well worth noting […] all tracks sound powerful as an uncontained force, and the album put a lot of value on groove and catchy songs.”
– Walter Scheurer , metal.de (Jan 24, 2012)


“The album sounds sincere and played with heart, and thanks to bands like INNERLOAD classic metal music is slowly coming back as it happened for thrash metal, so you just have to thank and support this band that always leverages on spontaneity of these noble sounds!”
– Ermanno M, ERASKOR (Jan 10, 2012)


“Grandissimo esordio discografico questo dei veneti Innerload…”
– Gianluca Scala, Rock Garage (Dec 16, 2011)


“La sostanza ad ogni modo è una sola, ovvero che questo è un grandissimo disco. Gli Innerload si districano tra brani potenti ed energici, supportati da uno spessore tecnico di grandissimo livello e da uno spessore compositivo assolutamente fuori dal comune. ”
– Maurizio Mazzarella, Giornale Metal (Nov 23, 2011)


“[…] i cinque svelano attitudini potenti, ricche di soluzioni riffettare ben congeniate, talvolta dai toni cupi e minacciosi, forti di una struttura melodica […] mai banale o scontata.” VOTO 78/100″
– Gianluca Livi, Artists And Bands (Jan 18, 2012)


““React”, with the emergence of “Dancing Queen” took me into several other Metal courses such a modernize version of NWOBHM […] INNERLOAD tried to break the traditional outcomes of the old Metal regime and let in something of their own […] they created some nice moments that would imply of a promising road ahead”. 7/10″
– Lior “Steinmetal” Stein, Metal Temple (Jan 02, 2012)


“…sono puro metal come lo intendevano i primi Maiden, quelli con Paul DiAnno alla voce, per cui diretti, senza molti orpelli, ma suonati con grinta e col cuore, con assoli fantasiosi ma non inverosimili, basso presente e batteria che martella pulsante… gli Innerload sono una goduria, ma anche a chi fa del ciuffo emo e dei tatuaggi scriteriati una ragione di vita, consiglio di ascoltare ”React”, il metal è anche – e soprattutto – questo!”
– MetalGeorge, Stereo Invaders (Nov 25, 2011)


“El disco general esta caracterizado por una gran energía y la mezcla de estilos. En todo momento hay reminiscencias y recuerdos de la época dorada del heavy metal. Los solos de guitarra son magníficos, sin llegar a virtuosismo.”
– Tony González, Rock En Cuba (Nov 30, 2011)

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